Another Ninety-Five
T H E S I S # 84
A people truly gathered unto Christ can expect Christ to manifest His presence; an absence of His presence indicates an inferior motive for gathering.
Of all gatherings within evangelicalism (etcetera) this week likely very few are “truly gathered unto Christ”.
Matthew 18:20 (NLT): Where two or three gather together as my followers, I am there among them.
Matthew 18:20 (TAB): Wherever two or three are gathered (drawn together as My followers) in (into) My name, there I AM in the midst of them.
There are many reasons christians gather, perhaps many are the same societal reasons the secular world gathers. Some gather out of habit or religious duty or to hear a sermon. There is a certain excitement in converging with others; bigger the crowd, bigger the excitement. Some (most?) christians are afraid to not go to church sunday mornings. But these purposes have little value compared to gathering “as My followers”.
A (quality) HC group is something of real value. They have a freedom not found in the IC. Each has opportunity to influence, to persuade, to teach. If that influence is directed in such a way as to persuade each other to simply gather unto Christ, and stay focused on Christ, those meetings will be powerful.
When our Lord says, “I am there among them” it is assumed He comes for a purpose. Something good happens when He shows up. We need healing, inner and outer. We require sanctification. We must have truth. We need to be made thirsty that we might drink. We need addictions to go and freedom to come. We want to be strengthened in our connection to Him. We need to “be filled with the Holy Spirit.” All these things Lord Jesus wants to impart.
Yes, a HC group has real potential. Wisdom would suggest the HC is worthy of a major investment of prayer. The HC will not go further than its prayer support, and it will go as far as its prayer support.
(See note.) House churches range from dysfunctional and ineffective to quite beneficial.
If you don’t comprehend the high calling of your personal christianity, you will not realize the high calling of a hc. Only those who get it will get it.
Regarding your life and your hc, you must, you must, you must get it! And you won’t get it by looking around, because they don’t get it either.
A hc consisting of a small band that gets it will affect their city and affect their country and affect the nations.
Yes, nations are the prize for those who get it! Salvation of multitudes nearby and distant is but one reward of those who understand and truly embrace the high calling of God.
Paul got it: “To live is Christ.”
Not, “To live is christianity.” Not, “To live is church-ianity.” Not, “To live is honorable behavior.” Not, “To live is soul-winning.” But….
“To live is Christ!”
“To live is Christ” is wrapping one’s entirety around Jesus Christ. “To live is Christ” is to purposely and continuously set one’s love and focus on Him.
Very few, that’s very few, are prepared for the future “judgment seat of Christ” because very few can now say, “To live is Christ.” Most live for something or someone else.
That’s why billions will perish. Only those who love abundantly beget abundantly.
To get from where you are to a higher place (“To live is Christ.”) is a difficult and lengthy journey. Gathering with equally determined believers will get you (and them) higher quicker.
A healthy hc is simply a group that gathers unto Jesus Christ…. enthusiastically.
The Bible records such an enthusiastic gathering unto Lord Jesus. At His triumphal entry into Jerusalem “sitting on an ass’s colt” they spread branches and even garments before Him while shouting heartfelt praises.
The hc that gathers with similar passion unto the Lord Jesus will evolve into a potent force that will rock the world. They will rock the world by simply becoming passionate for Him.
Note: This is taken from a series of articles, 333 WORDS…. Exactly. (