Obviously you do not have faith for the healing of your body. If you do not trust God for salvation, you will not trust Him for anything else. But there is still hope.
The faith for the healing of your body could conceivably come from someone else, a Christian who will intercede on your behalf. (To intercede simply means to petition God on behalf of another.)
A Roman soldier asked Jesus to heal his servant and Jesus did so without even seeing the servant. That is intercession.
Perhaps it is easier to pray for the healing of a non-Christian than the healing of a Christian. Why? Because God expects the Christian to be healed by his/her own faith. It seems personal faith is necessary when men are capable of it. However, the Lord may respond to the prayer of intercession on your behalf.
Most people have faith in something. But faith in someone or something other than God is useless. It is faith IN GOD that gets the job done. Having faith in God is having faith IN WHAT HE HAS SAID. He recorded His word in Holy Scripture. We look into the Bible to see what God has to say on the subject of healing (or whatever) and that is where we place our trust.
You will not be healed except by someone’s faith in the integrity of God’s Word, your faith or that of another.