Angels. The un-fallen angels, God’s creatures who did not join satan’s rebellion, who were not cast out of heaven, who have remained in their pure estate.
Paul (Hebrews 13:2): Be not neglectful to show hospitality to strangers, for by this some have entertained angels without knowing it.
Editor: In light of the above Scripture verse, it should not surprise anyone that people do occasionally see angels. I personally know four people who have seen angels (and I am sure there are others), angels that look like angels, and also others who felt certain they “entertained angels” who appeared as men.
Baker (Visions Beyond the Veil): The angels were dressed in seamless garments of white; their faces were perfect, one was not more beautiful than another. “When they smiled – Oh, I can’t describe that,” the boy said later, “there is no way on earth to describe an angel’s smile.”
Brown (He came To Set the Captives Free): Suddenly I felt a “presence” on the couch next to me although no sound had been made. I jumped and looked up. There on the couch next to me sat the tallest and most powerfully built young titan I had ever seen. I knew immediately that this man was not a human. He had shining golden hair, deep blue eyes and the most beautiful smile I have ever seen. He was clean shaven and deep creases slashed his cheeks as he smiled at me. He was dressed in shining white with a golden belt and a huge sword at his side. His tunic-like top was trimmed with gold braid which I had no doubt was made of pure gold. He also wore loose fitting white pants and golden sandals. His skin was bronzed as with a beautiful deep suntan. Light radiated from him with a power I had never experienced.
Jesus (Matthew 26:53): Don’t you realize that I could ask my Father for thousands of angels to protect us, and he would send then instantly.
Baker (Visions….): Inside the gates! Angels, angels everywhere. Angels talking, angels singing, angels rejoicing, angels playing harps and blowing trumpets, angels dancing and praising the King.
Paul (Hebrews 12:22): Mount Zion, the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem, and to countless multitudes of angels.
Luke (Luke 2:13): Then suddenly there appeared with the angel an army of the troops of heaven (a heavenly knighthood).
Luke (Acts 5:17-20): The high priest rose up, along with all his associates (that is the sect of the Sadducees), and they were filled with jealousy; and they laid hands on the apostles, and put them in a public jail. But an angel of the Lord during the night opened the gates of the prison, and taking them out he said, “Go your way, stand and speak to the people in the temple the whole message of this Life.”
David (Psalm 91:11,12): For He will give His angels, [especial] charge over you to accompany and defend and preserve you in all your ways [of obedience and service]. They shall bear you up on their hands, lest you dash your foot against a stone.
Crocker (a friend): Cheryl was almost five when she woke up in the dead of night with an ear infection. I staggered out of a dead sleep and threw myself down at the foot of her bed, placed my hand on her forehead and began to pray. Suddenly, unexpectedly, I could see into the spiritual realm. I saw angels. There was intense activity. They were moving about in urgency, responding to orders that I heard given to them from the Lord. Of course I was captivated by all this. The only words I remembered, it was like a declaration, were from Psalm 33, “For he spoke and it was done; he commanded and it stood fast.” Cheryl was instantly healed and from that day I never doubted the reality of angels.
Brown (He Came To Set….): The angel sat back, crossing his legs into a more relaxed position. “Well, Jesus is so beautiful! One flash of His smile lights up the whole universe with warmth and love. Jesus works so intensely and tirelessly for His church. No detail of the care of each one of His people is too small for His undivided attention. He is constantly at work both caring for and bringing others into His church. His glory extends out and out, through the whole universe and beyond. It never ends.”
Brown: One of the angels looked directly into my eyes and said to me in the most loving voice I had ever heard, “Won’t you please accept Jesus as your Lord? If you pursue the course you are taking you will be destroyed. Satan really hates you, but Jesus loves you so much that He died for you. Please consider turning your life over to Jesus.”
Baker (Visions Beyond the Veil): I well remember how one of our boys was given a vision of what happens at the death of a Christian. As relatives and friends gathered about the dying one, an angel stood by the bed awaiting the liberating of the Christian’s soul. When the man was set free from his bodily encumbrance, the angel took him by the arm and ascended with him into heaven. The principalities and powers of evil hosts in mid-heaven in their attempts to hinder the passage of the angel and his charge were overcome by the angel’s faith and praise as the ascent continued toward the heavenly city. Having been welcomed at the gate, this new arrival was received by hosts of angels, singing, dancing, rejoicing all uniting in giving him a royal welcome into the eternal city of the redeemed.
Baker: Inside the city, the children knew the meaning of the Scripture which says, “Ye are come unto mount Sion, and unto the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem, and to an innumerable company of angels” (Heb. 12:22). Not only about the gates of the city were these happy angels, but also throughout the city everywhere were these heavenly hosts. Angels were always ready to escort the children from place to place throughout the city, angels walked with them and talked with them; angels explained to them the meaning of things they did not understand.
Baker: Angels, also, had a large part in the work of the first Church. The early disciples were often protected and directed in their work by the angels. In this way they were delivered from the imminent dangers of earthly powers. An angel spoke to Philip, directing him to Gaza (Acts 8:26). An angel stood by Paul and talked to him, encouraging and directing him (Acts 27:23-24). Cornelius, his household, and his friends were led into the way of salvation and into the Baptism of the Holy Spirit through the words of an angel who came to him. This angel appearing in bright apparel, talked with him, directed him to send for Peter, and then departed (Acts 10:1-3). When Peter was in prison an angel rescued him. This angel loosened the chains from Peter’s hands, told him to get dressed and put on his shoes, opened the prison door and the city gate that was locked, and led Peter into the street (Acts 12:7-8).
Editor: Angels work hard to bring you God’s salvation. God gives the orders and angels respond accordingly. These angels work in cooperation with Christians, helping Christians carry out their mandate to bring you to Christ. Angels oppose the works of the world of darkness; there are two major armies in continuous battle in which you are the coveted prize. Prize. It is a good word to describe just how valuable and coveted you are, by both Jesus and the dummy. If you really understood your choices you would quickly turn to Christ to be delivered from satan’s rulership over your life. Angels work, in cooperation with Christians and under God’s guidance, to that end.
Crocker: Years ago there was a fellow worker on a construction sight who I could never talk to about Jesus. The job was coming to an end for me and it was the last day and the last opportunity to share Christ with him. It came to me to ask the Lord to send the angels onto the scene and open this fellow up. Maybe ten or fifteen minutes passed and we were both engrossed in conversation in which I was free to express what Christ meant to me.
Luke (Luke 15:7): There is joy in the presence of the angels of God when one sinner repents.
Angels and demons are opposites – in looks, in character, in objective. They live in different camps and are opposed to each other. Though angels have probably come to your aid at different intervals of your life, they are not a part of the kingdom to which you belong. The fact is that you are in the enemy’s camp. It is the angel’s purpose, and enormous desire, to rescue you from the kingdom of darkness.
Heaven is as real as the Bible is true. Heaven is where angels live and serve God. Heaven is where Jesus lives, seated on a throne, ruling His kingdom. Heaven is where believers live, those who have put their trust in Christ, those who have been washed in the blood of the Lamb (Jesus is the Lamb), those who have escaped the kingdom of darkness. And heaven is where you can live. If your name is found in the Book of Life when you die heaven will be your eternal home. If it is not you will forever share the company of the depraved and perverted. “There will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.”
So what will you do?
What do you choose?
What will you do with Christ?