May our Lord Jesus Christ abundantly bless you all and the work you are doing for Him in various countries. Thanks to the many who have said they are praying for me and my work. I apologize that I have been unable to respond to both your greetings and your requests for financial help. I simply lack time, energy and finances. Let me explain….
I use Social Media platforms, mainly, to preach “Jesus Christ and Him crucified” to Christ’s people, those “born of the Spirit”. I am of the opinion most have lost the devotion they once had for Jesus, having been swallowed up by one of many religions. These religions have coerced Christ’s saints to finance and otherwise support these harmful religions. That is why I am your social media friend, to warn you of the serious pitfalls of all religions. I emphasize evangelicalism simply because most born-again brothers and sisters are so associated. This is what Lord Jesus has called me to do, and therefore this is where I invest my time, energy and finances.
Also, it is impossible for me to verify the legitimacy of each request; this would take more time than I have. Although I assume most appeals for support are genuine, I also know some are not.
I assure you, the Lord Jesus Christ, the “head of the church”, will respond to your trust in Him to supply your needs and those under your care. He once said, “According to your faith let it be to you.” Paul wrote, “The just shall live by faith.” Jesus accomplished so much because of His unwavering trust in the Father.
(Those of you who support children orphanages have at your disposal a tremendous asset…. the children! Children have more trust in God than adults! Do you remember Jesus saying, “Whoever humbles himself as this little child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven”? Children can receive from God more readily because they have not yet learned unbelief. And they are not afflicted with the ego of grown-ups. Point your kids to a loving Jesus and Jesus will hear their prayers. Amen?)
Thanks for your understanding.