Dear Facebook Sibling in Christ….

Because you have been heavily influenced by the Word-Faith movement over the years I would like to express some observations/concerns for your consideration. Is that okay? On a positive note, I am convinced Kenneth Hagin, considered to be the “father” of Word-Faith, did have a mandate from Jesus to “Teach My People Faith”, just as he claimed. I am, (praise be to Jesus!) one of those people. His teachings on the subject of healing are authentic and helpful to those in need. The people raising the most passionate objections are, seemingly, those who have been convinced Jesus no longer heals…. a preposterous but popular position. And, also, those not understanding the fullness of the covenant Jesus provided at the cost of His blood. And, also, those misconstruing the sovereignty of God. That said, let me tell of a friend negatively impacted by ‘Word-Faith’….

He refused to wear a protective mask when working in his dust-filled cabinet shop. A mask was unnecessary, you see, because he attended a Word-Faith church, quoted Bible promises throughout the day and constantly binged on audio tapes. Unfortunately he soon had to close his shop because he developed a serious allergy to dust. My friend is a sampling of the many, many, many (including you?) disappointed and/or embittered because ‘Word-Faith’ didn’t work

for them. Much money has been invested in ‘seed-money’ – not millions but billions – in a quest to become wealthy via the prosperity gospel. So why what worked so well for Kenneth Hagin did not and does not work for most? (As you know, Hagin was cured of a debilitating disease, enjoyed an exceptionally healthy life, was instrumental in the healing of multitudes.) I think I know the answer….

Kenneth Hagin loved Jesus supremely and most don’t – it’s that simple. It is so obvious his centre was Christ while the centre of most in Word-Faith, seemingly, is prosperity. Hagin enjoyed prosperity (which, by the way, he defined as sufficiency) but enjoyed Jesus more. Jesus promises (take note all Word-Faith people and those of other religions!), “He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit.” And He also warns (take note all Word-Faith people and those of other religions!), “Without Me you can do nothing.” That’s nothing as in nothing! Our Lord was talking RELATIONSHIP. Only the intimate “bear much fruit”. Quoting promises, giving obeisance to ‘Word-Faith’ teachers, planting a ton of ‘seed-money’…. these do not negate “Without Me you can do nothing.”

Another promise found in John chapter 15: “If you abide in Me AND My words abide in you, you will ask what you will desire and it shall be done for you.” The conjunction AND emphasizes TWO requirements for answered prayer. Kenneth Hagin had both ONE and TWO. Most Word-Faith christians have, in my opinion, only ONE, “[if] My words abide in you”. And that, as I see it, is the problem. The pharisees also had the Word, memorizing and often citing Scripture, but they were not relationally attached. (Jesus: “You know neither Me nor My Father.”)

Paul taught, “The love of money is the root of all kinds of evil.” Couple that with Christ’s words, “Out of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaks.” Those loving money speak money (wealth, prosperity, possessions) EXCESSIVELY. I’m sure you agree Word-Faith teachers and their followers speak wealth inordinately. In this they have commonality with the pharisees who Jesus exposed as “lovers of money”.

Racketeering is pandemic throughout evangelicalism but many Word-Faith leaders, driven by an abnormal affection for “treasures on earth”, have taken it to a surpassing level. Many (including you?) have been ruthlessly fleeced. The love of money and things have toppled love for Jesus; this is, in my opinion, the reason Word-Faith doesn’t work.