To My Facebook Brothers and Sisters in Christ….
I want to talk to you about what I call “dirty tricks”. Basically, a dirty trick is an indirect or coded message that says: “You are no longer welcome here.” The first of many dirty tricks was played on me about forty years ago….
After a sunday evening service I was chatting with a small group of friends and family in the main section of the church, what some would call the sanctuary. Pastor Whoever was in the foyer talking to a couple as they were leaving the building. Between us was an open door. Then I noticed Pastor Whoever staring at me (from a distance of about a basketball court). I returned his gaze, wondering what he wanted. He didn’t signal me to come to him, didn’t seem to want anything, he just stared. So there we were, looking at each other for an uncomfortable length of time. Because of the doorway between us, no one could notice this silent confrontation. At last he disappeared up the stairs leading to his office.
For me, it was a surreal moment. Did this really happen? Just a short while ago this pastor was preaching a rousing message to a large appreciative audience; now, minutes later, he was behaving in a most hurtful manner. I eventually came to understand that dirty tricks, such as this, were a common method of ‘culling’ undesirables, much like an orchardist culls his apple trees of unwanted apples. An undesirable could be anyone considered to be less than a team player. Or worse yet, expressing a contrary opinion.
Paul told Timothy, “All who desire to live godly in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution.” Those who love and aspire to serve Lord Jesus “will suffer persecution”. Guaranteed. Be it from family or friends or church people, persecution WILL come. It’s a Bible promise. Those loving Jesus the most are harassed the most. Followers of Jesus Christ will be excluded by followers of christians. There is a gap between you and them. There just is. If you are seeking to be guided by the Holy Spirit, be aware your independence from them irks them, and won’t be long tolerated.
Be consoled by the certainty that today’s rejection is tomorrow’s reward. Jesus said, “Rejoice and be exceedingly glad, for great is your reward in heaven, for so they persecuted the prophets who were before you.”