To My Facebook Brothers and Sisters in Christ….

I challenge you to exercise your imagination. Okay? You are a Jehovah’s Witness and have been for years. Many days you stand on a corner, “Awake” magazine in hand, or you go door-to-door seeking converts. I know it’s not a pretty picture, but please bear with me for just a little while. Now, imaginary JW, ask yourself….

“Why am I a Jehovah’s Witness?” Better yet, ask yourself, “Why am I STILL a Jehovah Witness?” Christians have tried to tell you about salvation through Christ, it sounded real good, a part of you acknowledged the truth of the gospel (truth has power), but yet….. but yet….

A Jehovah’s Witness dare not ask him/herself, “WHY am I a Jehovah Witness?” for the same reasons a catholic dare not ask, “Why am I a catholic?”, and the same reasons a mormon dare not ask, “Why am I a mormon?” And….

And the same reasons an evangelical dare not ask, “Why am I an evangelical?”

I am trying to make you aware of the power of religion, all religions. Okay? If you can understand what keeps a Jehovah Witness a Jehovah Witness perhaps you will understand why you are STILL an evangelical. Yes, your religion is far less harmful that that of the JW, but you really do have much in common. Both of you are captive to a religion. What binds him binds you.

You both crave acceptance. Acceptance demands loyalty…. the deeper the loyalty, the deeper the acceptance. To belong has become more important than being right. Disloyalty endangers the acceptance you so diligently cultivated. The ways and means of the group have long ago become lord. ‘They’ have become your shepherd.

How do you escape spiritual bondage? James 1:5: “If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God.” Jesus taught us (Matthew chapter 7) that wisdom is building one’s christianity on “these sayings of Mine”. Wisdom is forsaking the destructive “tradition[s] of men” and embracing the Bible. Wisdom says, “Come to Me, all you who labour and are heavy laden.” Wisdom is recommitting your life to Jesus Christ, receiving His forgiveness and starting over.

Starting over. Returning to “first love”. Recommitment. No more man-worship. No more compromise. No more Christ plus. Loving the brethren but following Jesus. Building on the rock of His sayings. Recapturing the intimacy you once had.