To My Facebook Brothers and Sisters in Christ….

There are many ways to nurture and advance your relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ once you decide to do so. Improvement of relationship with Lord Jesus is quite attainable. Improvement with ANYONE is attainable. It just takes work, and lots of it. Amen?

A husband decides he wants to be more firmly attached to his wife. This is quite possible but, again, it will take work. There are a list of things he could do such as: listen to her when she expresses her thoughts and opinions… vacuum the floor…. buy her flowers…. compliment her…. give her a break from the kids…. include her in life’s decisions…. brag on her when with friends…. be quick to apologize…. and a ton of etceteras.

A wife, wanting to deepen her relationship with her husband, could also make a lengthy list, such as: respect him as the head of the family under Christ…. teach the kids to honour him…. esteem him when with company…. hang up the phone when he comes home…. quickly forgive…. laugh at his jokes…. and a ton of etcetera.

Much more essential, you can enrich your relationship with “that great shepherd of the sheep” anytime you so decide. Think about that. More of the “King of kings and Lord of lords” is quite attainable. But, once again, it will take work and determination. I list a number of things you can do to firm up the connection between the branch (“you are the branches”) and the vine (“I am the true vine”). Such as….

Talk to Jesus throughout the day, preferably out loud…. frequently and fervently say something similar to this: “Praise to You, Lord Jesus Christ”…. when you stumble, be quick to repent…. commit yourself to the governance of the Holy Spirit…. hide His words in your heart…. speak of Jesus to others…. take His great commission seriously…. make sure He is ‘first love’, that your affections for others is less than your affection for Jesus…. regularly recommit your life to Him…. honour His (and your) “Father in heaven”…. obey the Bible as the Spirit imparts understanding…. never make important decisions without consulting Jesus…. and a ton of etceteras.

In the body of Christ, of which you are a member, there are true worshippers of the Lord Jesus Christ. You can be one. About five years ago I prayed to become a worshipper. It took years (yes, years!) but there was a time I knew I had accomplished my goal. A worshipper of Jesus is simply one who worships Jesus spontaneously throughout the day. It just pours out effortlessly. Worship is more than words; worship is obedience. Worship is living for Christ and with Christ. Worship is pursuing the One you have found. Worship is putting Him above all and every.

I once heard an old and wise saint say something like this, “You will have as much of Jesus throughout eternity as you have of Him when you die.” Do you think he is right?