T H E S I S # 26

Relationally, christians have as much of Jesus as they want. A deeper, richer relationship is always available to the one determined to acquire it. Pursuing Christ should be a way of life.

Yes, “Relationally, christians have as much of Jesus as they want”…. sufficiently.

You want more of Lord Jesus than you have, but to have more you must want more sufficiently. Christ costs.

Wanting Christ sufficiently is wanting more of Him more than you don’t want more of Him.

Most of us wanted Christ before we were saved, but insufficiently. So we lived out our impoverishment until willing to pay the price of Christ.

Now that we have Christ we want more of Christ. Tasting made us hungry. Because we know Him we want to enter deeper into who He is. But…. Christ costs.

And that’s the dilemma. We want more of Christ and we don’t want more of Christ. We have today the quality of relationship determined by yesterday’s choices. Because of wise choices we have a superior kinship than some. And because of foolish choices our attachment to our Jesus is inferior to others.

We do have what we did want…. sufficiently.

It’s comforting to know a richer association with Jesus our Lord is always available. His arms are outstretched. His welcome is warm and enthusiastic. He loves us so.

Jeremiah 29:13: You will seek Me and find Me, when you search for Me with all your heart.

That’s with all your heart. His affection for you is strong, and He is injured and grieved by a tepid response.

Christianity should not be an effort to be good, but to be close. Close doesn’t necessarily accompany good, but good always accompanies close. Before we embraced our precious Redeemer we tried to be good, but good never satisfied. And being good doesn’t satisfy today, except perhaps the lukewarm.

Seeking Christ is a holy agenda and should be the primary ambition of every evangelical and every non-evangelical.