T H E S I S # 58

The evangelical should consider himself to be only what the Bible declares him to be – an adopted child of God, a disciple of Christ, a joint heir with Christ, blood-washed, sanctified, justified.

Exclamation marks (!) should not be overused or their purpose loses meaning.


Where we place exclamation marks – where we display enthusiasm – indicates our level of spirituality. There is something wrong with, “I lost my diamond earring!!!!” Or, “I won a trip to wherever!!!!” Or, “We trounced the other team!!!!” And there is something equally amiss with, “My neighbor accepted Christ.” Or, “I am a temple of the Holy Spirit.” Or, “A brother was healed of cancer.”


In discussing thesis # 58 it would be most difficult to overuse exclamation marks.


What the Bible declares us to be is astounding. Therefore we should be astounded. The reason we are not astounded is because we don’t fully get it. My head knows, but my heart doesn’t realize. Someone has said, “We don’t need to be taught as much as we need to be reminded.” So….


So let’s look again at our great salvation….


1 John 3:1: Behold what manner of love the Father has bestowed on us, that we should be called children of God [!!!!]


Yes we should behold, and behold, and behold again and again until we get it: We are actual, real, authentic sons and daughters of the living God!!!!


Romans 8:16: The Spirit Himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God [!!!!]


The Holy Spirit confirms what The Word clearly says: We are actual, real, authentic sons and daughters of the living God!!!!


Romans 8:15: You received the Spirit of adoption by whom we cry out, “Abba, Father”



We don’t call Him “Father” because a church academic informed us we are His children, but rather the Spirit Himself prompts us to call Him, “Abba, Father”.


Romans 8:17: And if children then heirs – heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ [!!!!]


We are actually, through Christ, heirs with Christ!!!! Only actual, real, authentic sons and daughters of the living God are heirs of God!!!!


And the salvation story gets better….


Philippians 1:1: To all the saints in Christ Jesus who are in Philippi.


How did the saints of Philippi become saints? – the same way you and I became saints…. through Christ. The New Testament calls believers saints many times…. because we are saints!!!! We may not always be saintly, but we are always saints!!!!


Colossians 1:3: He has delivered us from the power of darkness and conveyed us into the kingdom of the Son of His love [!!!!]


Delivered from the power of darkness!!!! We are saved!!!! Eternally saved!!!! “I once was lost but now am found”!!!! No longer are we children of “the god of this age”!!!! No longer is the devil our spiritual father!!!! No longer under condemnation!!!! No longer on that “broad…. way that leads to destruction” !!!!


We have passed from death to life!!!!


We have passed from death to life!!!!


Romans 5:9: Having now been justified by His blood [!!!!]


Since there is no such thing as partially justified, we must be fully justified. That person in the mirror is fully justified!!!! As if she never sinned!!!! She is as pure as the angels!!!! In right standing with God!!!! An actual, real, authentic daughter of the living God!!!!


And it just keeps on getting better….


2 Corinthians 5:21: He made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him [!!!!]


We are the righteousness of God!!!! Really!!!! Righteousness was imputed upon us that very moment we were “born of the Spirit”!!!! And it’s all because of our Lord Jesus!!!! He did what no man could do – He made us to be righteous in the eyes of our Father!!!! Because of Lord Jesus we have continual access to the Father’s throne!!!!


1 Corinthians 15:51 (NLT): We will all be transformed [!!!!]


We will be transformed, just like Jesus was!!!! A heavenly body awaits us!!!! No more sickness!!!! No more confusion!!!! No aging!!!!


And it still gets better….


1 Corinthians 6:19 (NLT): Don’t you realize your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, who lives in you? [!!!!]


What’s this?!!!! God lives in me?!!!! My body is a dwelling place of the most Holy Spirit?!!!!


And better….


Revelation 21:2 (The Amplified): I saw the holy city, the new Jerusalem, descending out of heaven from God, all arrayed like a bride beautified and adorned for her husband [!!!!]


New Jerusalem awaits us!!!! Our eternal home!!!! With Jesus!!!! With the Father!!!! With Paul and John and Peter and the prophets!!!! With many loved ones!!!!


1 John 3:1: Behold what manner of love the Father has bestowed on us.


Our place is to behold. To consider. To live in the awareness of. To appreciate. To acknowledge. To be amazed.


To give thanks!!!!