Another Ninety-Five
T H E S I S # 63
The evangelical is accountable to Jesus Christ alone, and not any man. Peter was not accountable to John, and John was not accountable to James; they were each accountable to Christ.
Evangelicals (etcetera) can give an account to anyone they so choose. What is important to note is the Lord Jesus does not require such an account, nor does The Word suggest it.
Giving an account to one another is, it seems, a recent invention, that is, recent in terms of church history. The purpose, it seems, is to keep everyone on the straight and narrow.
Yet keeping on the straight and narrow isn’t christianity. True christianity is walking with Jesus.
We do not want surface holiness. We want a holiness that emerges from a changed heart, which emerges from a healthy bonding to our Lord Jesus, which emerges from ongoing effort and determination.
An apology has much more power as a binding agent to Christ than most accountings. It is so hard to apologize; it must be because apologies are so seldom given. Too bad, because an apology could do wonders in our quest for more of Him. An apology takes lots of humility resulting in dying to self, a necessary ingredient to living for Christ.
When was the last time a christian said to you, “I am sorry. I was wrong. I was not upright with you. Please forgive me.”? And when was the last time you said similar words to others?
Christians wrongfully slight christians often, and yet acknowledgement of unfair treatment is rare. Why? Simple pride? A man will fast forty days but never say, “I am sorry”, though the “I am sorry” is possibly more potent than the forty day fast.
Another powerful tool is admitting our sins and shortcomings. “Confess your trespasses one to another.” Instead many (not you and I, of course) confess their strengths and good deeds – not blatantly, but ‘accidentally’ letting them slip out.
Romans 14:12: Each of us shall give account of himself to God.