Issue # 1 – Evolution VS Creation
Hi, Tom. How ya’ doing?
Great, Jack, great. Yourself?
Not bad, not bad. Hey, I’m going to lay something on you.
Yeah? Okay, go ahead, fire away.
Well I come across this machine, a really tricky machine, that can peel potatoes, wash a car and mow the lawn.
Yeah, I heard about those robots.
Oh no, this is no robot. And the real amazing thing about this machine is that nobody made it.
What do you mean, nobody made it?
Well, it’s hard to explain but it just sort of came into being, you know, all the parts just kind of fell into place and…
Jack, are you okay?
Hey, Tom, I’m for real. I can prove it to you.
Hey man, you can’t prove no such thing!
Yeah! How much?
I’ll bet you ten bucks I can convince you that nobody made this machine.
Ten dollars? You’re on, man. Where is this machine?
It’s right here?
It’s you.
Yeah man, you are the machine. You can peel potatoes, wash a car and mow the lawn, can’t you?
Yeah, but…
And you believe in evolution, don’t you? You believe nobody made you, you just sort of came together?
Yeah. Doesn’t everybody?
Nope. But that doesn’t matter right now. Just tell me, where is it?
Where is what?
My ten bucks!