Why did he leave me, where did he go
Didn’t he love me, I’ll never know
One night he vanished into the night
Left us scared and alone, no hope in sight
Daddy I miss you, you will never know
Sometimes I wonder if I made you go
I try to remember your hand in mine
But memory fails for the pain in my mind
People told me it was all right
I’d soon forget you, all would be bright
Well that didn’t happen though I tried in vain
Your loss in my life has caused too much pain
I looked for another to walk in your shoes
To help me feel right, but that didn’t do
Inside I grew harder, my heart hurt so deep
My Father had left me, alone and so weak
I needed a man, a dad to behold
Someone to hug and even to scold
I needed his image to guide me along
To give me protection, to help when I’m wrong
I needed his life to reflect my own
A part of my being, a part of my home
Sometimes I wonder how it might have been
Had you remained real and not just a dream
I wondered in darkness, for years I prevailed
To replace what was taken, but oh how I failed
No one could be you, or so I thought
Till the day I met Jesus and the Father you’re not
All my efforts, all the sins I had done
I needed Jesus, God’s only Son
I opened my heart to Him that day
I saw His heartache, the price He had paid
Oh what a moment, pure joy filled my soul
My life was so empty, yet he filled every hole
He gathered me to Him, in his arms I found
Love and acceptance and mercy abound
All that he has he shares freely with me
His Father now my Father, most precious trophy
I wept as I sensed how Father wanted me so
Me, his own daughter, a child for his own
He told me he loved me and that I would be
With him forever, my new Father and me
No more do I travel this life all alone
I found purpose true love and a home
Though I cannot erase all the pain I went through
Jesus has given a life that is new
Now when I look back, it isn’t so bad
I wasn’t alone when no father I had
For God was beside me and he knew from the start
He’d be my Father when I gave Jesus my heart
Tracy Thring