Let’s glance at some of the findings alleged at different times to be the missing link between man and ape…

Neanderthal Man. This fellow turned out to be a plain ordinary man. Okay, mistakes happen, so let’s look at…

Java Man. Man’s ancestor? Nope. Java turned out to be a hoax. Well, what about…

Peking Man. The evidence of this find has mysteriously disappeared. And then there is the famous…

Piltdown Man. A human skull artificially aged and an ape’s jaw with filed-down teeth was for forty years the evolutionist’s proof of evolution. Now let’s look at…

Nebraska Man. This fellow was reconstructed from a tooth. The tooth turned out to belong to a pig. Okay, but what about…

Lucy. Lucy was an ape-like creature that walked upright so therefore must have been man’s ancestor. Years later bones of modern man were unearthed beneath (and were therefore older than) this creature.

Man is not as ape-like as we have been led to believe. The feet are different. So is the skull. The female does not have protruding breasts. The ape cannot play X and O’s. Man and ape walk differently. The ape is hairy. Man’s milk chemistry happens to be more like that of a jackass than the chimpanzee, his tear enzymes more like the chicken, and his foot structure more like the glacial bear.


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