Q & A : “JOSHUA: Man Of Fearless Faith

Q: Is that a book you’re reading?

A: A fine book authored by a fine writer.
Q: And that being…. ?
A: W. Phillip Keller.
Q: What are you learning?
A: The book reinforces what I already know.

Q: What’s that?

A: Never follow the crowd, no matter how large.

Q: Did you follow the crowd when a catholic?
A: If I did I would never have found Christ.

Q: How about when attending evangelical churches?

A: If I did I would have lost my fervour for Christ.

Q: Did Joshua follow the crowd?

A: Joshua loved the crowd but followed God.

Q: Is that why God chose him as leader?

A: God will put first those who put Him first.

Q: In what other way has the book benefitted you?

A: It caused me to repent of unbelief.

Q: You lack Joshua’s fearless faith?

A: Joshua was different from most, including me.

Q: In what way?

A: Joshua simply believed God and God’s promises.

Q: But don’t you believe God’s promises?

A: Upstairs, yes. Downstairs in my heart, there’s ugly

unbelief. Thus an occasional need to repent.

Q: What do you think…. do evangelicals follow the

crowd, or do they follow Jesus?

A: If they followed Jesus they wouldn’t be evangelicals.