Q & A : Man-Gazing

Q: What’s man-gazing?

A: Man-gazing is gazing at a man or mew Q: Like when christians gaze at movie stars? A: Or pastors. Or christian elites.

Q: Were you ever a man-gazer?

A: Afraid so.

Q: Did you gaze upon pastors?

A: Mostly I gazed upon spiritual celebrities. Q: Did you repent?

A: Thoroughly.

Q: Is man-gazing an evangelical problem? A: Big time.

Q: Can a man-gazer be a Christ-gazer?

A: One cannot simultaneously look upon two. Q: Do man-gazers love Jesus?

A: Love Jesus, yes. Love Jesus supremely, no. Q: And if we repent and become Christ-gazers? A: Men will be kept within peripheral view only

.. where they belong.

Q: And not the focus of one’s attention?

A: Christ should be our focus, centre, hub.

Q: How do man-gazers become Christ-gazers? A: Only through sincere repentance.

Q: And after repentance?

A: Pursue Christ diligently (or mm-focus win mum).