Q & A : Catholic-Evangelical Commonality
Q: Catholicism has uniformity with evangelicalism!?
A: Both differences and commonality.
Q: What do they have in common?
A: For starters, both are religions.
Q: Do catholics consider catholicism a religion?
A: Certainly…. the world’s one true religion.
Q: Do evangelicals consider evangelicalism a religion?
A: They somehow seem unaware of that fact.
Q: What other resemblances between the two?
A: Both have a measure of truth.
Q: Such as?
A: Both hold to the Nicene Creed.
Q: Nicene Creed? What’s that?
A: An ancient statement regarding the christian faith.
Q: Do both religions believe in the Bible?
A: Both catholics and evangelicals claim to believe.
Q: But do they?
A: If catholics did believe they wouldn’t be catholics.
Q: And evangelicals?
A: If they did they wouldn’t be evangelicals.
Q: What would they be?
A: Disciples of Christ.
Q: What do priests and pastors have in common?
A: Both are credentialed, titled, paid. Both are the
main influence in their respective congregations.
Q: And both are loyal to their religion?
A: Loyalty to their religion far surpasses loyalty to the