Q & A : What You Don’t Know Hurts Them
Q: What is it I don’t know?
A: You don’t realize your potential in Christ.
Q: How do you know what I don’t know?
A: Rare is the one living out his/her potential.
Q: Aren’t I doing as much as the next guy?
A: You do bear fruit; every christian does.
Q: So what’s the problem?
A: Jesus said, “By this My Father is glorified, that
you bear much fruit.”
Q: How does my limited harvest hurt others?
A: Jesus wants to abundantly bless others through you.
Q: Others? What others?
A: Those of the world and those in His church.
Q: How can Lord Jesus do that?
A: It is something Jesus and you do together.
Q: So the problem is with me?
A: It certainly isn’t with Jesus.
Q: So I must repent?
A: To bear much fruit, you must sincerely repent.
Q: And then?
A: Pray to know your potential through Christ.
Q: For what purpose?
A: You will be inspired and motivated.
Q: And my fruit will increase from meagre to much?
A: From meagre to very much.