Q & A : How Religions Ensnare

Q: How do religions ensnare christians?

A: A few methods are common to most religions.
Q: One example?
A: Jesus said, “Where your treasure is, there your

heart will be also.”
Q: And?
A: If religionists capture your treasure (money) they

capture your heart.

Q: And when they capture my heart?
A: Ensnaring your heart is ensnaring your loyalty.

Q: Ouch! That’s why the tithe doctrine is so damaging?

A: The awful (corrupt, fraudulent) evangelical tithe

damages one’s relationship with Lord Jesus.

Q: Like really? How?
A: Loyalty transfers from Christ to religion?
Q: If not to my church, where should I give?
A: Give to Lord Jesus.
Q: How do I give to Jesus?
A: By placing your givings under the governorship of

the Holy Spirit.
Q: Will that assure my heart will always be set on Jesus?

A: “Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.”