Q & A : The S.A.D. Is Sad Indeed

Q: The S.A.D.? What’s that?

A: The Standard American Diet.
Q: A diet standard to Americans?

A: A diet most are addicted to.

Q: Why is it sad?
A: Those on this diet are prone to disease.
Q: Of what does the S.A.D. consist?
A: Much processed and refined foods, and scant

plant-based foods.

Q: Not good?
A: Adam and Eve ate a plant-based diet.

Q: Does that indicate we’re all intended for the same?

A: I think so. Now let’s discuss a second harmful diet.

Q: What’s that?

A: I call it the S.E.D.

Q: The S.E.D.? What’s that?
A: The Standard Evangelical Diet.
Q: A spiritual diet fed specifically to evangelicals?
A: It makes evangelicals spiritually sad and droopy.

Q: And susceptible to spiritual disease?

A: Indeed…. lukewarmness, confusion, sterility.
Q: Of what does the S.E.D. consist?
A: Much religion/non-essentials and little of Jesus.
Q: Why do pastors feed it to their congregation?

A: The S.E.D. is the only diet pastors know.