Q & A : “The Father Of Lies”

Q: Why did Jesus call the devil “the father of lies”?

A: There are a few possible answers.
Q: Such as?
A: Some assume He meant satan is the most skilled liar.
But perhaps Jesus meant he was the first to lie.

Q: And in that sense he ‘fathered’ lying?
A: Now he has a myriad of creepy liars under him.

Q: Am I protected?

A: Yes, to the degree you walk with Christ.

Q: What are you saying?

A: The closer we are to our Good Shepherd, the

better protected we are?
Q: Makes sense. How damaging are the devil’s lies?

A: Extremely. As truth makes free, untruth enslaves.

Q: Are there many misconceptions in Christ’s church?

A: Lots and lots and lots and lots.

Q: Like really?

A: Every denomination, every church, every christian

carries a mixed baggage of truth and error.

Q: So in me is both truth and untruth?

A: In you, in me, in him, in her.

Q: But those closest to Jesus have more truth?

A: And less untruth.

Q: How do I free myself from misconceptions?

A: Jesus promises, “Ask, and you will receive.”

Q: Are we talking a process?

A: Yes, a lifetime process.