Q & A : Who Were The Laodiceans?
Q: Well, who were they?
A: One of 7 churches in the book of Revelation.
Q: Was Jesus pleased with these 7 churches?
A: A few.
Q: Was He pleased with the Laodiceans?
A: Lord Jesus was very not pleased.
Q: Why was Jesus agitated with the Laodiceans?
A: Because they were “lukewarm”.
Q: Lukewarm?
A: “Neither cold nor hot.”
Q: Jesus doesn’t like that?
A: His message to them: “Because you are
lukewarm…. I will vomit you out of My mouth.”
Q: What did He mean, “vomit you out of My mouth”?
A: May you and I never find out.
Q: Do we have a “Laodicean” problem today?
A: Evangelicals are, seemingly, equally lukewarm.
Q: Like really? Neither cold nor hot?
A: Sadly, we live in the “Laodicean” age.
Q: Is this Q & A a warning?
A: It is. Apathy is very contagious.
Q: How does one recover passion for Jesus?
A: Repentance. And then fiercely protect your
renewed passion for Christ.
Q: Because?
A: The lukewarm will come after you…. again.