Q & A : Daily Meetings With God
Q: Are you talking a regular prayer time?
A: We’re greatly advantaged by daily prayer.
Q: Does it matter what time of day?
A: Many prefer first thing in the morning.
Q: When they are the freshest?
A: They are giving their first/best to God.
Q: How long do serious christians pray?
A: Some an hour, some two or three.
Q: Do they produce much fruit for Jesus?
A: Actually, none.
Q: None!?
A: We don’t produce fruit; we bear fruit.
Q: Oh. Do they bear much fruit?
A: Any man or woman regularly meeting with
Jesus will bear an abundance of fruit.
Q: When should I start? And for how long?
A: You would be wise to deposit the matter unto
the supervision of the Holy Spirit.
Q: Is that so important?
A: If not, it may be just another broken resolution.
Q: So I should just “wait upon the Lord”?
A: Obey the Holy Spirit. Don’t do more or less.