Q & A : Social Justice vs Social Injustice
Q: What is Social Justice?
A: It’s religion’s attempt to create justice.
Q: Does it work?
A: Nothing religion does works.
Q: Is Social Justice just?
A: Paul understood true Social Justice.
Q: Which is?
A: “I have a great sense of obligation to people in
both the civilized world and the rest of the world.”
Q: What was Paul’s “obligation”?
A: Paul’s obligation is the same as ours.
Q: Which is?
A: Jesus: “Make disciples of all nations.”
Q: I see. What is Social Injustice?
A: Keeping the gospel of Christ to ourselves.
Q: What does Social Injustice look like?
A: An evangelical driving his extravagant car from
his extravagant house to his extravagant church.
Q: Is it as shameful as it sounds?
A: Evangelicalism is funded by funds Lord Jesus
intended to finance His Great Commission.
Q: How much money is squandered? Millions?
A: Not millions, but billions….. every year.
Q: Spent on what Jesus called “treasures on earth”?
A: It’s called Social Injustice.