Q & A : Truth Costs Plenty

Q: But isn’t truth free?

A: Yes, God dispenses truth freely.
Q: And yet it costs?
A: The religion you are attached to is built upon

Q: You’re suggesting truth brings conflict?
A: Frequently. Religionists are touchy, defensive.

Q: So if I embrace truth I can expect discord?
A: Truth will eventually set you free from religion,

and religionists won’t like that.

Q: They insist I submit?

A: You must bunch with the bunch or pay a price.
Q: Can I expect persecution?
A: Yes. The majority has unfair advantage over the

individual. Power often translates into abuse.

Q: How did religions evolve?
A: We tend to bunch with the bunch and eventually

the bunch becomes our security and fellowship.

Q: Instead of Jesus?

A: Instead of Jesus.
Q: Is there a way of avoiding their disfavour?

A: Only one…. silence.

Q: But isn’t silence hypocritical?

A: It can be. And it can be offensive to Lord Jesus.