Q & A: Life In The Spirit
Q: What does a life in the Spirit look like?
A: It’s living under the management of the Holy Spirit.
Q: Did Jesus live under the management of the Holy Spirit?
A: I believe so.
Q: Why do you think so?
A: Matthew 12:18: “I [God] will put My Spirit upon Him.”
Q: And us?
A: To the degree we are submissive to Jesus, we will place ourselves under the management of the Holy Spirit.
Q: What would be the result of being managed by the Holy Spirit?
A: Like Paul, we would finish “the race”.
Q: The race?
A: 2Tim.4:7: “I have fought the good fight. I have finished the race.”
Q: Will many finish the race?
A: It seems very few are fighting “the good fight”.
Q: Sad, isn’t it?
A: Very.
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