Q: What’s to understand about pastors?

A: You live in one world, pastors live in two.
Q: What’s my world?
A: Church life…. fellow pew-people…. pastors.
Q: Isn’t that also the pastor’s world?
A: Yes, one of two.

Q: And his second world?
A: He belongs to a brotherhood of denominational

peers…. all of them outside your social sphere.

Q: To which of these two realms is he most loyal?

A: Not yours.

Q: How do you figure?
A: One day he will leave your congregation for

another, but he’s glued to his denomination.
Q: Isn’t the pastor loyal to the congregation?
A: Understand: he’s an agent, not of Christ Jesus,

but the denomination who appointed him.
Q: An agent?

A: While you are his ministry; they are his lords.

He teaches you; he obeys them.
Q: What do his supervisors expect of him?

A: To lead you into Bible truths…. AND…. to bring

you into submission to them.
Q: Ouch! So how do I protect myself?
A: Simply be the branch abiding in “the true vine”.

Q: The true vine being Lord Jesus?

A: Jesus the true vine; religion the counterfeit vine.