Q & A : Evangelicalism Weakens You

Q: Who me!?

A: You and every other evangelical.
Q: Going to church weakens me?
A: Didn’t say that. Religion weakens you.

Q: Can I attend church without being religious.

A: Yes. But caution is advised.

Q: Why?

A: Religion is as contagious as the flu.
Q: How does my religion weaken me?
A: It weakens your attachment to Jesus.

Q: And a weakened relationship = less outgrowth?

A: Definitely. Plus it negatively influences others.

Q: How do I negatively affect others?
A: Your attachment to religion influences others

to become attached.

Q: Evangelicals beget evangelicals?

A: They certainly don’t beget disciples of Christ.

Q: That’s how religion escalates?
A: Evangelicalism was once a few; now its millions.
Q: And if I forsake my religion?
A: You will influence others to do the same.
Q: Will Pastor Whoever be pleased?
A: You gotta be kidding.