Q & A : What Is A Hireling?

Q: Is a hireling simply one who is hired?

A: A hireling works for wages only. His main

incentive is money. He is an employee.

Q: Hmmm. What is a servant?

A: A servant is opposite to a hireling-employee.

He serves with little or no remuneration.

Q: Were the apostles hirelings-employees or


A: Like Lord Jesus, the apostles were servants.

Q: Servants to whom?

A: As servants of Jesus, they served whoever.

Q: Free of charge?

A: Their Master instructed, “Freely you have

received, freely give.”

Q: Why don’t today’s leaders “freely give”?

A: Unlike the apostles, they do not serve,

primarily, Lord Jesus.

Q: Does that make pastors hirelings-employees?

A: Pastors are salaried employees masquerading

as servants.