Q & A : Why Does It Hurt To Give?

Q: Is giving difficult for most?

A: It must be.
Q: Why do you say that?
A: So few are generous givers.
Q: Are you speaking of the saved or un-saved?
A: Both, though less so for christians.

Q: But doesn’t feeding sunday’s collection plate

indicate generosity?
A: Most of that is payment for services rendered.

Q: What’s the cure for christian stinginess?

A: Giving. The more we give the easier it gets.
Q: Easier, but never easy?
A: Giving always takes faith.
Q: Confidence that Lord Jesus will replenish?
A: Because Jesus replenishes, it costs nothing to give.
Q: Can it be? It costs nothing to give?

A: It costs nothing to give little and it costs nothing

to give lots.

Q: When will Jesus restore our giving?

A: There is an interval between sowing and reaping.
Q: Hmmm. To whom should we give?
A: Only those giving to Jesus can expect a return.

Q: How do we give to Jesus?

A: By giving as the Holy Spirit directs.

Q: How much should we give?

A: “According to your faith let it be to you.”