Q & A : A Sad Tale

Q: So what’s stirring in that imagination of yours?
A: A tale of a congregation about to embark on

a building project.
Q: Are these people passionate for Jesus?
A: If they were they wouldn’t be building.

Q: They had left “first love”?
A: Long ago. But Jesus, in His mercy, sent an

itinerant revivalist to invite the strays back.
Q: That must have thrilled the pastor?
A: Yes and no.
Q: Yes and no? Why no?
A: The people’s enthusiasm for the project fizzled.

Q: The pastor’s project was seriously threatened?

A: And his reputation was at stake.

Q: Like really?How so?
A: He had convinced his people God had

sanctioned the building project.
Q: Oh-oh. So what did the poor guy do?
A: He used the bully-pulpit to persuade and coerce.

Q: Did he manage to convince the people to build?

A: He called for a vote.

Q: But wouldn’t the building project eventuate the

people departing, again, from “first love”.

A: That’s what building projects do.

Q: Tell me!…. how did the people vote!?
A: Sad tales don’t have happy endings.