Q & A : The Inner Circle
Q: The who-what?
A: The inner circle of fellowship with Jesus Christ.
Q: Oh, that inner circle. Is that where most live?
A: Few, very few, live within Christ’s inner circle.
Q: Hmmm. So there must be an outer circle?
A: Yes. Most live in the outer circle of fellowship.
Q: How do you know that?
A: Their speech gives them away.
Q: What does an outer-circle christian look like?
A: He/she is occupied with “treasures on earth” and
not the “judgement seat of Christ.”
Q: Are they protected?
A: There is very little protection from the devil
intent on recapturing slack christians.
Q: Don’t you believe “once saved, always saved”?
A: I would if I could but I can’t so I don’t.
Q: Hmmm. Is there an inner and outer circle of
fellowship in heaven?
A: Definitely. As there is rankings of angels there
is rankings of christians.
Q: When will our status with Jesus be revealed?
A: At the upcoming judgement seat of Christ.