Q & A : Ministry Birthed From Relationship
Q: Relationship with Jesus will birth ministry?
A: Quality relationship will birth quality ministry.
Q: How can you be so sure?
A: Jesus: “He who abides in Me, and I in him,
bears much fruit.”
Q: So if I improve my relationship with the Lord
Jesus, my ministry will be more fruitful?
A: Guaranteed.
Q: Therefore the quality of my ministry indicates
the quality of my relationship with Jesus?
A: It does.
Q: Is every christian called to minister?
A: Certainly. “By this My Father is glorified,
that you bear much fruit.”
Q: But shouldn’t we be credentialed?
A: Jesus wasn’t. The apostles weren’t. I’m not.
Actually, credentials are a hindrance.
Q: In what way?
A: Allegiance is required from those who
endorse you.
Q: Is that so bad?
A: Abiding in Jesus requires devotion to Him.
Q: Can’t I be devoted to both?
A: “I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God.”