Q & A: I Got Really, Really Angry!

Q: When did you get really, really angry?

A: February, 1972 after reading a tract.
Q: What were you searching for?
A: Truth. Reality. Relevance.
Q: Who gave you that tract?
A: A catholic nun.
Q: A nun!? Like really?
A: God had told me she had what I was searching for.

Q: Truth, reality, relevance?

A: Yes. The Spirit had told her to give the tract to me.
Q: Wow! How did that make you feel?
A: Very excited…. until I studied it.
Q: Why did the tract anger you?
A: All it talked about was Jesus! This was nothing new!

I had heard about Jesus since childhood!
Q: Then what happened?
A: Holy Spirit said, over and over, “Give Jesus a chance!”

Q: And?

A: So I deposited myself, as a gift, unto Jesus.

Q: That’s when you were “born again”?

A: Not yet. The Holy Spirit spoke again: “In like

manner, receive Jesus as a gift.”

Q: And did you receive Jesus…. as a gift?

A: Yes. And I suddenly became “born of the Spirit”.