Q & A: Ministry Birthed From Relationship
Q: Why must ministry be birthed from relationship?
A: Jesus said, “Without Me you can do nothing.”
Q: Are most ministries born out of relationship?
A: Most are not. Jesus said, “By their fruits you will
know them.”
Q: Can I have my own ministry?
A: All are called to be a minister of God’s truth.
Q: How can I be assured of a successful ministry?
A: Jesus said, “Follow Me, and I will make you
fishers of men.”
Q: So what do I do and when do I do it?
A: Jesus said, “This is the work of God, that you
believe in Him whom He sent.”
Q: So I must grow in faith?
A: Jesus: “According to your faith let it be to you.”
Q: But how do I develop my ministry?
A: You don’t. Simply do what the Holy Spirit says.
Q: That’s it?
A: Do nothing more and nothing less.
Q: Why didn’t my pastor tell me that?
A: He wants you to support his ministry.
Q: Is that why he preaches, “Be a team player”?
A: A team player serves the team, not Christ.