Q & A: Don’t Bow To False Authority!
Q: How can we recognize false authority?
A: Those who bow to true authority easily
recognize false authority.
Q: Who, in the church, has true authority?
A: Jesus: “All authority has been given to Me.”
Q: But what about human authority?
A: Since all authority has been given to Jesus,
there is none left to be divided among men.
Q: How does Jesus express His authority?
A: God’s authority is expressed in the Bible.
Q: So leaders speaking the Bible are speaking
A: Anyone speaking Bible truth is speaking
Q: So who are Christ’s leaders.
A: Christ’s leaders are those preaching
Bible truths.
Q: Regardless if they are credentialed?
A: Jesus wasn’t credentialed, nor His apostles,
nor the seventy.
Q: Do evangelicals bow to false authority?
A: Evangelicals, like all religionists, consistently
bow to false authority.