Q & A: Deception Infiltrates The Careless
Q: Who are the careless?
A: Sheep who have strayed from the Shepherd.
Q: The Shepherd being the Lord Jesus?
A: Only those close to the Shepherd are protected.
Q: Protected from what?
A: Everything bad…. including deception.
Q: Why do christians stray from their Shepherd?
A: Most have given themselves over to a religion.
Q: And thus given themselves over to deception?
A: They have forfeited much of their protection.
Q: How rampant is deception in Christ’s church?
A: It seems all are infected to varying degrees.
Q: How can christians combat deception?
A: Example: “In the Name of Jesus Christ I
renounce and rebuke all deception!”
Q: But can I take authority over deception I,
obviously, don’t know I have?
A: You can. Authority is exercised by faith.
Q: How do I get more faith?
A: By drawing closer to the Good Shepherd.
Q: Is my love for Jesus a measure of faith?
A: And your faith in Jesus is a measure of love.
Q: Love for Jesus will protect me from deception?
A: More love = more faith = more protection.