Q & A: Hebr. 13:17: Obey Your Leaders

Q: How many leaders do you have?

A: Well, according to Hebrews 13:17, several.

Q: Tell me, are you the light of the world?

A: Jesus did say, “You are the light of the world.”

Q: And tell me, Is Jesus the light of the world?

A: Jesus also said, “I am the light of the world.”

Q: Are you both the light of the world?

A: I am but a reflection of Jesus, the true light.
Q: Why did He say, “do not be called teachers”?
A: Teachers are only a reflection of The Teacher.

Q: Did the apostles heal the sick?

A: Jesus did instruct them, “Heal the sick.”

Q: But isn’t Jesus the only healer?

A: They were but reflections of Christ the Healer.

Q: Eph.5:23: “Christ is the head of the church”.

Do you realize “head” means leader?

A: I do.

Q: How many heads does the church have?

A: I get it…. the church has but one Head, one

Leader…. Lord Jesus.

Q: And the leaders of Hebrews 13:17 must be….?

A: Mere reflections of the one true Leader.

Q: So how many leaders do you have?

A: I have but one Leader, one Teacher, Jesus!!