Q & A : Your Very Own Jesus Account
Q: What’s a Jesus Account?
A: It’s a bank account that belongs to Jesus.
Q: Who feeds the account?
A: You do…. every day.
Q: Every day!?
A: Every day you give something to Lord Jesus.
Q: How much do I put into this Jesus Account?
A: “Let each one give as he purposes in his heart.”
Q: Suppose I can’t afford to give?
A: “My God shall supply all your need.”
Q: But where will the extra money come from?
A: In part, from the money you normally give to
your church.
Q: But who will cover church expenses?
A: That’s not your problem. Jesus said, “Do not lay
up for yourselves treasures on earth.”
Q: Are you saying my church building is an earthly
A: Elaborate buildings aren’t “treasures in heaven”.
Q: How will I spend the money that’s in the account?
A: Since this is a Jesus Account, ask Jesus.
Q: And spend it only as His Holy Spirit directs?
A: The Holy Spirit can do much with little.
Q: My very own Jesus Account! Will Jesus bless me?
A: Honour Jesus and Jesus will honour you.