Q & A : A Jesus Account Assures A Better Account
Q: A better account? What are you referring to?
A: “[Jesus] is the one to whom we are accountable.”
Q: We all must give an account to Jesus?
A: “We must all stand before Christ to be judged.”
Q: Why?
A: “We will each receive whatever we deserve.”
Q: Yikes! On what basis will I be judged?
A: Obedience/disobedience.
Q: A Jesus Bank Account assures a better account?
A: Jesus: “Lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven.”
Q: A Jesus Account will help me do that?
A: Definitely, providing you steward it faithfully.
Q: By feeding it generously?
A: Yes. And, equally important, by releasing
accumulating funds as the Spirit directs.
Q: Isn’t donating to my church equally profitable?
A: “Cursed is the man who trusts in man.”
Q: But if I’m not adept at being Spirit-led?
A: You must learn.
Q: Does the Spirit really guide us individually?
A: The Holy Spirit will most certainly guide the
one fully committed to Jesus Christ.