Q & A: A Jesus Account Will Develop You

Q: Develop me into what?

A: Into what you want to be.

Q: What’s that?

A: A mature christian.
Q: You’re saying I’m not mature!?
A: If you are you’re quite uncommon.
Q: Most christians are immature? Like really?
A: Evangelicals are kids in stretched skin, adults

never graduated from kindergarten.

Q: They do not/cannot think for themselves?
A: Followers only, not of Christ but christians.

The way it is has stunted their growth.

Q: The way it is?

A: The accepted way of doing church/christianity.

Q: How will a Jesus Account develop me/us?
A: It will wean you from dependence on others.
Q: Motivate me to direct my own christianity?
A: It will cause you to lean on Christ…. alone.
Q: Instead of Pastor Whoever?
A: Pastor Whoever and many etceteras.
Q: A Jesus Account will really benefit me?

A: It will develop you into a disciple of Christ.
Q: Instead of a disciple of man?

A: Amen and amen.