Q & A : Five Signs of Spiritual Immaturity: # 2
Q: So what’s your second sign of immaturity?
A: # 2: Relinquishing The Governance Of The Holy Spirit.
Q: Is that as bad as it seems?
A: Those not governed by the Holy Spirit will certainly
be governed by another.
Q: Another?
A: The local church, Pastor Whoever, a spiritual elite.
Someone or something will fill that vacuum.
Q: Why would anyone surrender to others?
A: Their religion demands allegiance.
Q: But why would they capitulate?
A: Most of us have a strong yearning for acceptance.
Acceptance is dispensed only to the cooperative.
Q: By cooperative you mean submissive?
A: Don’t question, never challenge, be a team player.
Q: Do evangelicals submit to evangelicalism?
A: Certainly. That’s what makes them evangelicals.
Q: But suppose an evangelical refuses?
A: Those who haven’t relinquished the leadership
of the Spirit are not evangelicals.
Q: Even though they attend an evangelical church?
A: Attending an evangelical church does not make
one an evangelical.
Q: What does?
A: Bowing to evangelical dictates.
Q: So our choice is….?
A: Be governed by the Holy Spirit or be governed
by religion.