Q & A: 5 Signs of Spiritual Immaturity: # 3
Q: And # 3 is….?
A: # 3: The Immature Are Easily Impressed
Q: Impressed by whom/what?
A: Church edifices, numbers, elite personalities.
Q: Anything else?
A: Credentials, giftings, charismatic charm.
Q: Sigh….. is there more?
A: Financial savvy, pulpit presence, intellect.
Q: So it’s immature to be impressed by the ‘flesh’?
A: The artist, not the artwork, should impress us.
Q: The artist (Artist) being the Lord Jesus?
A: He alone is worthy of our praise, awe, loyalty.
Q: What should impress us?
A: That which impressed Jesus.
Q: What impressed our Lord?
A: Jesus marvelled at the centurion’s faith.
Q: Faith should inspire us?
A: Faith in our Lord Jesus should impress us.
Q: And not outward appearance?
A: “John was clothed with camels hair and a
leather belt around his waist.”
Q: And John impressed Lord Jesus?
A: Jesus: “Among those born of women there
has not risen one greater than John.”
Q: So how do we mature?
A: Ask Jesus (earnestly, repeatedly) to mature us.