Q & A : Five Signs of Spiritual Immaturity: # 4

Q: And # 4 is…..?

A: # 4 Sign of Immaturity: Awelessness.
Q: Awelessness? What’s that?
A: The inability/reluctance to be awed.
Q: Should we be awed?
A: We are surrounded by amazement.

Q: You’re talking nature?

A: Everything that crawls and walks and flies is an

awesome creation of our God, worthy of reflection.

Q: So maturity is….?

A: Noticing. Considering. Appreciating.

Q: And praising Him for His handiwork?

A: That and much more.

Q: Such as?

A: We are actual “heirs – heirs of God and joint

heirs of Christ.”
Q: Astounding, isn’t it?

A: Astounding X 1000.

Q: Why aren’t we awed? Why do we forget?

A: Forgetting is what we do, being distracted by

things unworthy of our attention.

Q: Such as?

A: What Jesus called “treasures on earth.”

Q: So what’s the answer?

A: Ephesians. 4:23: “Let your minds and hearts be

made new.”