Q & A : Five Signs of Spiritual Immaturity: # 5
Q: What is the fifth?
A: # 5: Herd Mentality
Q: Herd mentality? What’s that?
A: Believing and doing whatever the bunch is
believing and doing.
Q: Like keeping in step, flowing with the flow?
A: Pastor Whoever would call you a team player.
Q: What’s the opposite of herd mentality?
A: Christ mentality.
Q: Christ mentality?
A: Keeping in step with Jesus, flowing in the Spirit.
Q: Who occupies the team player’s heart?
A: Mostly, the team…. especially the coach.
Q: The coach? Like Pastor Whoever?
A: And to a lesser degree his underlings.
Q: His assistant pastors, elders, etc.?
A: They assist, mostly, Pastor Whoever, not Christ.
Q: But isn’t there safety in numbers?
A: No.
Q: No?
A: Christ is “my fortress, my high tower and my
deliverer, my shield and the One in whom I
take refuge.” Jesus is our sufficiency.
Q: Those of Christ mentality are better protected
than those of herd mentality?
A: The Christ-centered are advantaged in every way.