Q & A: YES and NO
Q: YES and NO?
A: In each of us there is a YES to Jesus and a NO
to Jesus.
Q: Like really? Even non-christians?
A: The NO in unbelievers is greater than their YES.
Q: They DON’T want Jesus more than they DO
want Jesus?
A: Exactly.
Q: How can they possibly be converted?
A: Their YES to Jesus must surpass their NO.
Q: Hmmm. What about christians?
A: Some want MORE of Jesus and some do not.
Q: Their NO (to more of Jesus) outweighs their YES?
A: Exactly.
Q: But that’s not true of most evangelicals, is it?
A: Evangelicals have a bigger YES to evangelicalism
than to Jesus.
Q: How do you know that?
A: Simple. Evangelicals follows the decrees of
Q: Christians following christians instead of Christ?
A: Exactly.
Q: So their YES to religion eclipses their YES to
(more of) Jesus?
A: Exactly.