Q & A : “Just As I Am”

Q: Who created that song?

A: Charlotte Elliott in 1835.

Q: It’s a song for the unsaved, right?

A: And for the saved.

Q: In what way?

A: It’s a powerful prayer.

Q: A prayer?

A: Hundreds of times I have prayed that song to Jesus.

Q: Like really?

A: “Just as I am without one plea, but that Thy blood

was shed for me. And that Thou bidst me come to

Thee. O Lamb of God, I come, I come.”

Q: Wait a minute! Haven’t you already come to Jesus?

A: Way back in 1972.

Q: Then how can you come again?

A: Because He bids me to come deeper. And deeper.

Q: Does Jesus bid us all to come deeper?

A: He is no respecter of persons.

Q: How did you go deeper?

A: “Just as I am.”