Q & A: “To love God is to love truth.” (A.W. Tozer)
Q: How do we know if we love truth?
A: We know we love truth if we love God.
Q: Well, how do we know we love God?
A: Jesus said, “Those who accept my commandments and
obey them are the ones who love Me.”
Q: So love is obedience?
A: If we love God we obey God.
Q: How do we obey God?
A: Two answers. First, by obeying the Bible (as we
understand it).
Q: And second?
A: By being sensitive to the Holy Spirit. Obeying the Holy
Spirit is obeying our Lord Jesus who sent Him to us.
Q: Is it really that simple?
A: It’s really that simple.
Q: Does simple mean easy?
A: Sorry. Simple, yes. Easy, no.
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