Q & A : Tim Tebow, Ambassador Of Christ Jesus.

Q: So who is Tim Tebow?

A: A football player renowned for his bold witness for Christ.

Q: Who did he play for?

A: Actually, he played for Jesus.

Q: Okay. Just how did he witness Christ?

A: In one college championship game he wore John 3:16 on

his eye black.

Q: Eye black?What’s that?

A: Grease applied under the eyes to reduce glare.

Q: Did anyone notice?

A: 90,000,000 people googled John 3:16 during the game.

Q: 90,000,000!? Like really?

A: 3 years later, now in the NFL, the Lord acknowledged

Tim’s bold witness in a crucial playoff game.

Q: How?

A: Statistics revealed Tebow’s total-yards-gained was 316

yards, his average running-yards was 3.16.

Q: But couldn’t that be coincidence?

A: I’m not finished. His completed-passes average: 31.6

yards. Time-of-possession: 31.6 minutes. TV ratings:

31.6 million.

Q: Like really?

A: Like really. Jesus is awesome!