Q & A : You Are Ordained To Preach
Q: Who, me?
A: Yes, you.
Q: Who commissioned me?
A: Lord Jesus.
Q: When?
A: A lo-o-o-ong time ago.
Q: What should I preach about?
A: “Jesus Christ and Him crucified.”
Q: But I’m not licensed. How can I preach?
A: Neither am I. Just talk about Jesus Christ.
Q: To who?
A: To whoever the Holy Spirit leads.
Q: How about Facebook?
A: A great start. And the Lord will open other doors.
Q: But am I ready to preach Jesus?
A: Get ready.
Q: How?
A: Pursue Jesus fervently.
Q: That’s it?
A: Love Jesus fervently and you will speak Jesus fervently.
Q: And if I don’t love Jesus fervently?
A: If you don’t you won’t.
Q: Is that why most christians don’t?
A: Yes, lack of fervency.
Q: That simple?
A: That simple.
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